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Human resource development and diversity

Diverse human resources

Promoting women in the workplace

We believe that an environment in which women can thrive is necessary if all employees are to work in comfort. In 2021, based on an analysis of various issues related to the creation of working environments where people can comfortably work over the long term, we established our targets for the future.

Action plan on promoting women in the workplace

  • Plan period
    April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2026
  • Targets
    1. Women accounting for at least 25% of permanent full-time employees
    2. Women accounting for at least 35% of permanent full-time employees (new graduates) hired
    3. Women accounting for at least 10% of managerial personnel (managers and above)
  • Issues and initiatives
    One issue we face is the low number of women personnel. This means that women account for a small percentage of managerial personnel. In addition to hiring based on an awareness of the gender of new graduates hired, we plan to implement training on understanding the issues of diversity, gender, and systemic bias.

Action Plan for Promoting Women in the Workplace

Women as a percentage of permanent full-time employees(Figures for each fiscal year are as of December 31)

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
All permanent full-time employees (persons) 865 892 881 841 835
Women permanent full-time employees (persons) 159 171 176 167 171
Percentage accounted for by women (%) 18.4 19.2 20.0 19.9 20.5

Women as a percentage of permanent full-time employees (new graduates) hired(Figures for each fiscal year are as of December 31)

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
All permanent full-time employees hired (persons) 30 39 30 13 20
Women permanent full-time employees hired (persons) 11 8 11 6 7
Percentage accounted for by women (%) 36.7 20.5 36.7 46.2 35.0

Women as a percentage of managerial personnel (managers and above)(Figures for each fiscal year are as of December 31)

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
All managerial personnel (persons) 205 213 208 206 209
Women managerial personnel (persons) 7 7 11 10 14
Percentage accounted for by women (%) 3.4 3.3 5.3 4.9 6.7

Comprehensive reduced working hours program

This program allows employees whose circumstances involve responsibilities such as caring for children aged three or older, providing long-term care for family members, hospital treatment, or family support to choose from various forms of employment, including six-hour working days, seven-hour working days, or staggered working hours. The program was established to support diverse workstyles based on a comprehensive consideration of situations in which standard working hours may pose difficulties. Launched in 2018, the program was in use by 7 employees in 2022.

Users of the comprehensive reduced working hours program

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Users (persons) 4 7 12 7
  • Program began November 1, 2018

Numbers and percentages of employees taking childcare leave

In April 2022, we introduced our own maternity and paternity leave to make it easier for men to take paternity leave. To support your spouse’s childbirth and child care, you will be entitled to 20 days of paid leave from before the child’s birth to the child’s second birthday. In addition to parental leave, we have created an environment that makes it easier for employees to take leave.

Numbers and percentages of employees taking childcare leave(Figures for each fiscal year are as of December 31) Subject: all employees excluding part-time employees

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Number of employees taking childcare leave
8(1) 7(0) 10(0) 13(0) 10(1)
Percentage of employees taking childcare leave
(male) (%)
100(13) 100(0) 100(0) 100(0) 100(0)
Number of employees taking our own childbirth and childcare leaves 3
  • ※Program began April 2022.

Employment of those with disabilities

The company opened an office in Kainan City Wakayama Prefecture,in April 2022 to support the employment of people with disabilities. A total of six people have started here, who are involved in manual processing of paper bags and paper containers. We will continue to develop and improve the working environment so that employees can work in a safe environment with a sense of satisfaction. In addition, we will strive for continued employment with the cooperation of support schools in the prefecture.


Employment rate of those with disabilities(Figures for each fiscal year are as of December 31)

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Employment rate(%) 1.9 1.9 1.8 1.8 1.6

Technical trainees from Vietnam

The Technical Internship Program helps human resources from developing countries to bring back to their home countries the skills and techniques they have acquired while working in Japan, thus contributing to the development of their home countries in the future. With a view to making an international contribution and employing foreign workers in the future, we have been accepting Vietnamese technical apprentices since 2019. Currently, the trainees are making printing boxes at the printing press manufacturing site. They are enthusiastic about their work, and each of them is working daily on practical training to achieve their goals.

Numbers of trainees accepted(Figures for each fiscal year are as of December 31)

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Numbers of trainees(persons) 5 5 10 5

Training for understanding diversity

We conducted training in an e-learning format to create a workplace where employees understand diversity and respect each other. This time,we broke the training down into three sessions on LGBTQ issues to learn about sensitivity and the idea of psychological safety. We want to be able to apply these ideas in the workplace.

Program contents

1st session:Let’s think about diversity
2nd session:Know about LGBTQ
3rd session:Workplace and LGBTQ

Human resource development

Skills improvement support program

To encourage employee self-improvement we’ve established a skills improvement support program that provides economic assistance for activities such as language learning and earning qualifications.English and Chinese lessons are provided under corporate contracts with major language schools operating across Japan. Those learning English also have the option of online lessons.

Purpose of support Subject Details
Learning languages English Courses available at corporate contract prices (Incentives are paid for those who meet certain conditions.)
Earning qualifications MOS(Word,Excel,PowerPoint) Those who pass the qualification exams are reimbursed the test fees and paid incentives.
Official Business Skill Test in Book-keeping, Level 3 or above
Other (those necessary or beneficial to professional duties)
Learning Nikkei TEST Trainees are reimbursed the test fees.

Number of persons who used the skills-improvement support program (total)

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Number of persons who used the program (total) 11 9 10 9 23

Evaluation and support system to improve skills

With the goal of creating a workplace where people can thrive, we introduced a new human resources system in 2020, revising our compensation, personnel, and evaluation systems. We will also continue to provide financial support for skills training, thus motivating our employees and creating an environment where they can feel confident to continue working for longer.

Overview of our human resource system

We introduced a new human resources system in 2020 to create a workplace where people can thrive. In the salary structure, the requirements for salary increases and promotions have been made clearer. We are increasing lifetime annual income by reviewing salaries and retirement benefits for younger employees and employees who continue to work after retirement. As part of the evaluation system, the Human Resources Development Council holds evaluation meetings throughout the company in an effort to make evaluations as open and accurate as possible.

New HR system

HR Development Conference

Based on the results of the performance reviews, talent development meetings are held throughout the company. At these meetings, we share information about top talent throughout the company and discuss ways to evaluate employees fairly and appropriately. It is also an opportunity to evaluate the management skills of participating managers.

Talent management system

Since 2022, we have implemented a talent management system for entering and confirming personnel evaluations and managing goals. This is a system that centralizes employee information, such as personal information, skills, and experience, through digitalization. We will consolidate the necessary information to streamline management and use it for the appropriate placement and development of human resources.

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