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  4. Sustainable Management

Sustainable Management

Basic Policy of Sustainable Management

As is expressed in The Pack Group’s corporate motto, we are passionate and dedicated to our partnerships in all our activities. Furthermore, we pursue sustainable management in keeping with the purpose of our existence (purpose): to provide packaging solutions to contribute to a prosperous society and bring satisfaction to people.
As a company offering total solutions related to packaging, we help solve the many issues facing our stakeholders through the creation of new value in packaging, thereby contributing to a prosperous and sustainable society.
To this end, we strive to deliver environmental, social, and economic value that is unique to The Pack Group, based on sustained growth and the ability to adapt to social change.

Promotion Structure and Governance

The Pack Group has established a Sustainability Committee chaired by the President & CEO to promote sustainable management. This committee deliberates and makes decisions on a wide range of topics, including the formulation of policies on the operation and promotion of sustainable management as well as on key themes, the management of progress on sustainability initiatives, and the incorporation of these results into the Medium-Term Management Plan. The Sustainability Committee Secretariat handles tasks ranging from the promotion of action plans to the management of key performance indictors (KPIs) in collaboration with each section and Group company. The structure and roles of each organization are shown below.

Promotion Structure and Governance

Materiality (Important Issues)

As part of its effort to promote sustainable management, The Pack Group has identified materiality topics connected to each aspect of environment, society, and governance (ESG). Details of these materiality topics are outlined below.


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