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  3. Sustainability
  4. Materiality


Materiality (Important Issues)


Delivering solutions to environmental issues through our business activities

  • Promoting eco-friendly product planning and technological development
  • Reducing environmental impact throughout our business activities
  • Contributing to environmental conservation and preservation


Valuing and nurturing people

  • Promoting employee health and safety
  • Developing and cultivating the capacity to offer total solutions related to packaging
  • Promoting diverse work styles that encourage all employees to thrive

Building and enhancing relations of trust with our business partners and customers

  • Co-creating brand value with our customers
  • Maintaining and improving quality through joint efforts with business partners

Contributing to social development and prosperity

  • Contributing to developing future generations and fostering environmental awareness
  • Providing solutions to increasingly diverse social issues


Enhancing management foundations

  • Securing soundness, transparency, and efficiency in management
  • Promoting supply chain risk management

List of Materiality Issues Organized from an ESG Point of View

  Major themes Materiality (Important Issues) Initiatives Association with SDGs
Delivering solutions to environmental issues through our business activities
  • Promoting eco-friendly product planning and technological development
  • Developing, procuring, and supplying eco-friendly raw materials, including forestry-certified and mixed paper
  • Proposing packaging that requires reduced volumes of raw materials
  • Proposing solutions to improve work efficiency through use of our packaging
  • Proposing alternative surface processing technologies to replace plastic laminates
  • Developing alternative paper packaging to replace plastic packaging
  • Developing reusable packaging
  • Developing eco-friendly plastic packaging
  • Reducing environmental impact throughout our business activities
  • Purifying and reusing water used in manufacturing processes
  • Reducing CO2 emissions (intensity)
  • Transitioning to renewable energy
  • Appropriately managing industrial waste and reducing emissions; promoting recycling
  • Contributing to environmental conservation and preservation
  • Preserving and restoring forest and mountain areas
  • Planting trees with consideration for ecosystems
  • Establishing a new environment fund to support efforts such as the preservation and restoration of coasts and rivers
  • Investing in efforts that contribute to environmental conservation and preservation
  Major themes Materiality (Important Issues) Initiatives Association with SDGs
Valuing and nurturing people
  • Promoting employee health and safety
  • Maintaining and improving the health of employees and their families as set forth in the Health and Productivity Management Declaration
  • Implementing safety measures at manufacturing sites
  • Stockpiling disaster supplies to keep employees safe in the event of natural disasters
  • Developing and cultivating the capacity to offer total solutions related to packaging
  • Using the Packaging Laboratory to foster an organization of specialists who support The Pack as a company offering total solutions related to packaging
  • Developing and utilizing databases on packaging expertise
  • Improving business efficiency and enhancing proposal capabilities through digital transformation (DX)
  • Promoting product development through training sessions in which manufacturing sites participate
  • Promoting diverse work styles that encourage all employees to thrive
  • Developing environments for work styles suited to employee lifestyles
  • Promoting an action plan to empower women in the workplace
  • Designing remuneration schemes to allow employees to work with peace of mind and other systems to secure post-retirement plans
  • Developing teleworking environments and adopting communication tools
  • Developing employee skills and optimizing assignments through job rotations
  • Building a more open human resource evaluation system
Building and enhancing relations of trust with our business partners and customers
  • Co-creating brand value with our customers
  • Identifying and analyzing customer issues and providing solutions
  • Collecting information on packaging in Japan and overseas and communicating market developments and trends
  • Providing multifaceted proposals on distribution and logistics solutions to achieve labor savings, automation, and mechanization
  • Proposing ways to participate in The Pack Forest® Environment Fund to preserve forests
  • Maintaining and improving quality through joint efforts with business partners
  • Implementing joint development of production technologies and establishing mass production in partnership with production subcontractors
  • Improving quality by enhancing quality control structures
  • Establishing eco-friendly logistics systems
Contributing to social development and prosperity
  • Contributing to developing future generations and fostering environmental awareness
  • Holding visiting classes for elementary school students
  • Participating in educational content (including online)
  • Investing in efforts that contribute to the development of future generations
  • Participating in and supporting activities that lead to increased environmental awareness
  • Providing solutions to increasingly diverse social issues
  • Achieving labor savings, automation, and reduced CO2 emissions by promoting a PAS system
  • Developing packaging in a way that helps to address labor shortages
  • Proposing total solutions that combine packaging with packing and logistics equipment
  • Support for activities that create jobs for people with disabilities and activities that assist them in becoming self-sufficient and finding employment
  • Supporting activities of children to support environmental protection
  Major themes Materiality (Important Issues) Initiatives Association with SDGs
Enhancing management foundations
  • Securing soundness, transparency, and efficiency in management
  • Improving corporate governance structures
  • Disclosing information on the status of initiatives related to all principles of the Corporate Governance Code
  • Strengthening management soundness through the C-Line (compliance line as the internal whistleblowing system)
  • Implementing fair and objective decision-making processes for management appointments
  • Improving the quality of disclosure to shareholders and other stakeholders
  • Securing diversity among the Board of Directors
  • Promoting supply chain risk management
  • Strengthening supply chains that can respond to various procurement, production, and sales risks
  • Enhancing resilience to ensure the appropriate operation of business continuity planning
  • Countering information leaks and system failures associated with cybersecurity risks

Identification Process


Organizing study meetings held by the Sustainable Business Team, which is a member of the project team that identifies materiality topics

The project team has at least one individual from each department responsible for topics such as sales, quality control, finance, legal affairs, human resources, general affairs, and business strategy. Multiple study meetings to date have strengthened the understanding of team members regarding terminology and sustainable management at other companies. Study meetings have also been held for executives to promote their understanding and discussion of initiatives to help build a narrative on sustainable management and value creation as well as initiatives related to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).


Reviewing the value chain and ascertaining our management capital (strengths)

We examined our value chain in great detail, identifying our unique qualities and points of differentiation from our competitors.
Based on the findings, we identified our management capital: financial capital, manufacturing capital, human capital, intellectual capital, social and relationship capital, and natural capital.


Identifying themes (issues) for maintaining and growing our management capital and defining initiatives for each issue

We studied how to maintain and grow management capital comprising these six types of capital and identified related issues. We also defined initiatives for each issue as it relates to the environment, customers, people and labor, local communities and society, and management.


Deciding on materiality topics based on their importance to stakeholders and to the Company


Submitting the materiality topics through the Sustainability Committee to the Board of Directors for approval

External Environment (risks and opportunities)

To be able to adapt to any societal changes, the Group anticipates the following risks and opportunities. Corresponding materiality issues also are shown below.

○:Materiality issues corresponding to risks and opportunities

External factor No. Risk/opportunity Item Materiality (important issues)
Environment Society Governance
Promoting eco-friendly product planning
and technological development
Reducing environmental impact throughout our
business activities
Contributing to environmental conservation
and preservation
Promoting employee health and safety Developing and cultivating the capacity to
offer total solutions related to packaging
Promoting diverse work styles that encourage
all employees to thrive
Co-creating brand value with our customers Maintaining and improving quality through
joint efforts with business partners
Contributing to developing future generations
and fostering environmental awareness
Providing solutions to increasingly diverse social issues Securing soundness, transparency,
and efficiency in management
Promoting supply chain risk management
Politics 1 Risk Interruption of imports of raw materials or rising import costs due to disputes or national security policies                      
2 Opportunity Establishment of local-production/localconsumption models leveraging our robust supply chains in Japan, the United States, and China                  
3 Opportunity Increase in institutional investors through enhancement of ESG initiatives in line with laws, regulations, international standards, etc.                
Economics 4 Opportunity Birth of new merchandise, services, and business models          
5 Risk Increasing costs of raw materials, manufacturing, and shipping                    
6 Risk Rising hedge costs in raw-materials procurement                      
7 Opportunity Building energy-saving supply chains                  
Society 8 Risk Difficulty securing diverse human resources and partners            
9 Opportunity Developing diverse human resources, increasing labor productivity                
10 Opportunity Growing demand for new product use                  
11 Opportunity Creation of products and services emphasizing safety and reliability                
Technology 12 Risk Declining purchases in brick-and-mortar stores, rising risks of information leaks, and increased response costs as new technologies spread and are widely adopted                      
13 Opportunity Reduced operation costs due to the arrival of new technologies and services                
Environment 14 Risk Rising tax burdens due to the adoption of carbon taxes            
15 Risk Rising procurement costs due to changes in forestry resources            
16 Risk Supply chain disruptions and production suspensions due to increasingly frequent natural disasters                      
17 Opportunity Growth in business opportunities due to move away from plastics          
Legal 18 Risk Increasing costs of adapting to legal, regulatory, and litigation risks                    
19 Opportunity Increasing corporate value through enhanced governance                    
20 Opportunity Birth of new business opportunities in response to enhanced laws or regulations                  


Major themes Materiality (Important Issues) KPI and Action plan Date established 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Target FY for achievement
Delivering solutions to environmental issues through
our business activities
Promoting eco-friendly product planning and technological development Achieving a ratio of sales of FSC®-certified products (paper bags, paper cartons, corrugated boxes) to total sales of 50% or higher*1
  • Enhancing proposals to switch to paper packages
  • Expanding range of FSC®-certi ed suppliers
  • Accelerating development of new materials and products using paper-based materials
September 2023 5.5% 10.8% 13.2% 17.4% 20.2% FY
Reducing environmental impact throughout our business activities Reducing CO2 emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) by 46% vs. FY2018 (targeting 8997t)
  • Switching to highly energy-e cient machinery
  • Switching electricity use to renewables (including purchase of renewable energy)
  • Expanding use of solar panels
September 2023 6.9%
Implementing 15 The Pack Forest® Environment Fund activities, with 500 participants per year Implementing 15 The Pack Forest® Environment Fund activities, with 500 participants per year
  • Increasing the potential number of activities through new development of activity sites
  • Enhancing activities to raise awareness among local residents and seeking participants from the general public (posting posters in EDION shops in Hiroshima and Nara and enlisting participation on bulletin boards)
  • Enhancing activities to which customers are invited
September 2023 4
We value and
nurture people.
Promoting diverse work styles that encourage all employees to thrive Increasing women’s percentage of managers (managers or above) to 15% or more
  • Targeting a percentage of at least 35% of new graduate hires being women
  • Developing programs and environments in which women can continue their careers over the long term
September 2023 3.3% 5.3% 4.9% 6.7% 6.3% FY
Building and enhancing relations of
trust with our business partners and customers
Co-creating brand value with our customers Earning the support of 300 firms for The Pack Forest® Environment Fund*2
  • Seeking support by enhancing tools for raising awareness of activities
September 2023 24 44 67 94 123 FY
  • ※1Sales: The Pack (nonconsolidated) paper products business as a whole
  • ※2Number of companies with sales results

KPI Management

The Sustainable Committee and the Sustainable Committee Secretariat, its executive arm, set and manage materiality KPIs. The Sustainable Committee Secretariat reports every half-year to the Sustainable Committee on progress toward the KPIs, ascertained in partnership with Business Units and Group companies. In addition, it assesses results each year, proposes improvements for the following year, and sets new KPIs and updates existing ones.
The Sustainable Committee works together with the Conference of Business Divisions to promote practical efforts targeting the KPIs in individual business sections.
Each business section employs the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle to improve productivity across the organization and strives to achieve the KPIs.
A management structure has been established to promote and monitor progress toward the KPIs, striving toward fair assessment of individual business sections.

KPI management

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